Thursday, June 21, 2012

Pool Activities

I love Dad's who step up and help other kids that are not theirs.  I am blessed to have a wonderfully involved husband and father.  I have never known the hardships of never having a father around or watching my children suffer because of only having one involved parent.  I truly am grateful for that.  One of my very favorite movies is called, "Courageous."  I believe in the movie so much that I even bought it (I never buy movies when I know I can just cheaply rent it because I will probably never watch it again).  I know its message is true; that our children's future depend greatly on our husbands and fathers.
So today I was reminded of that at the pool.  I had the boys and Katie with me and we were just doing our normal thing but 2 men brought out this long rope with a knot at the end.  They started taking their kids, one by one, and having them hold on to the end with the knot.  They would have them sink to the bottom and then they would run as fast as they could down the pool, taking a child flying threw the water with them.  But they didn't just stop with their children.
Here is Katie being pulled...
...and Levi.
They had so much fun and wanted to do it over and over again but there was a lot of kids there so they only got one turn.  I got the funniest picture of Brigham but I promised I wouldn't put it on there.  He was going so fast that it pulled his swimming trunks down!
It may be a small thing, to play with a child, but I think of today and my little Katie that I love so much.  She hasn't seen her father in years.  I don't know what he was like when he was around but either way, today showed her that men can be fun and involved.

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