Thursday, September 27, 2018

Just some randomness

Just some catch-up with pictures.
 This picture was taken back when Moroni first came down but I just got the picture (from Sister Hope from church) of  David poking his head out of the tower.  He's so cute!
 One of the many cute things Ruger has came home with from Preschool/Daycare.
 One of our trips to Frontier City.
 Levi had the Herbst appliance added to his braces to fix his bite and look what it has done for him!  Levi has a chin!!!
 Hyrum and Brigham may be homeschooling but they still take one class outside of the home.  A friend from church, Toni McPhee, is giving them art lessons once a week.

Monday, September 24, 2018

Sunday Walk

Sunday was a day that stuck out because it finally wasn't hot anymore and we got to go to church in a different building.  The church that we normally go to is being remodeled so we joined a different ward at the stake center.  We recently had been moved to a different ward, because of boundary changes, so it was so nice to go to a ward where some of our old church family had been moved to.  It was crowded but I'm really glad that we went.  The man who was officiating Sacrament meeting said that he wondered if this is what it would feel like to be in heaven and reunited with old friends.  I thought it was perfect.
 Since this building that we met in was in Oklahoma City/War Acres area and it was such a nice day outside, we decided to go on a little walk in the area.  We haven't been to a park for a while because it has just been way too hot.  So we went to Pat Murphy park and just enjoyed being with each other outside.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Perfect Picture

We went to Frontier City today.  I could tell you about it raining us out.  Or how I was excited about walking through the shops as the boys played but there only turned out to be I think like maybe 3 shops. I could tell other things but how could I spoil this picture with such boring things. 

I mean, LOOK AT THIS PICTURE!  Have you ever seen anything more cute?!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Moroni is Back!

Yesterday, I was just getting done with dropping off Ruger at preschool when David called to tell me that Moroni was going back up.  I'll blame him not telling me until then, on his recent shoulder surgery!  So I hurried back and this is what I didn't see!

I got these 2 pictures from someone else but I was able to get there just as Moroni was making his way back to his home.
 I decided to walk to a different part of the project and found this.  To be honest, as great as it was to see Moroni go back up, I got a bigger thrill out of seeing these members of the church so proud of what they were witnessing.
 They are all so ready to have their temple back and it showed.  It seriously was really a sweet moment to witness.  There were others here and there on the sight taking pictures.  I know that people who are not members of the church don't understand what the big deal is and I wouldn't expect them too.  That's ok.
But it really does mean so much to us.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

I Think I'll Just Be Myself

I read an article in the Ensign (September 2018) called, "I Think I'll Be Myself" by Jutta Baum Busche.  It talked about a lady from Germany moving to Utah and while there, becoming a Relief Society teacher.  She talked about how inadequate she felt and how she found herself not only trying to to teach like the other sisters but that it bled into the rest of her life as she found herself trying to do and be what they were in her everyday life.  It took her a while but she finally realized that she wasn't going to be running, making her own bread, or sewing her own clothes.  She was going to be herself.  She finally realized, "When I tried to copy my wonderful sisters...I failed because the Spirit still talks to me in German, not in English.  But when I got on my knees to ask for help, I learned to depend on the Spirit to guide me, secure in the knowledge that I am a daughter of God.  I had to learn and believe that I did not need to compete with others to be loved and accepted by my Heavenly Father."  

I love that.  The Spirit talks to her in German.  Not English.  I really want to apply this to my life. The Spirit is going to speak to me in Alisa not so and so down the street or someone I really admire.  I don't tend to compare myself to specific people that often but I do compare myself to the old me a lot.  Or even what I think that I should be and never have been.  

My new goal is to be like the little child that Jutta Baum Busche spoke of in this article.  The child was asked what he wanted to be when he grew up.  His answer was simple and perfect.  "I think I'll just be myself." 

Brigham taught me an important lesson on this the night he and Levi got back from the stake youth temple trip.  He was only telling us negative things and honestly, I wanted him to say just one positive thing.  I wanted to change his perspective.  I said to him, "Is there one thing that you can tell me that you liked?"  He said, "Nope Mom, I'm still an introvert."  

Wow, did that wake me up.  That statement sounds rude but I promise that it didn't come out that way.  He was trying to tell me in his way, not that all introverts are going to see negative things but that he didn't enjoy being around all those people during such a long period of time and no matter how much I tried and tried to get him to "see the bright side," my son was still an introvert.  

This world tries to change us in so many aspects of our lives.  Why not embrase who we are and just improve on that.  At our own pace.  With Heavenly Father and no one else.

Now, on another note, here are some random pictures.

Acording to Levi's poofy hair, he and Dad are the same height!  If we were to shave his head, it probably wouldn't say the same thing but oh my!  My boy is growing!
We have had a few really good storms lately.  This storm was full of water, as you can see.  But a few days before this one, was a wind storm so powerful that it pushed in a guy's chimney in our neighborhood.

Just a cute picture of Ruger and his crown that he made at preschool.