Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Moroni is Back!

Yesterday, I was just getting done with dropping off Ruger at preschool when David called to tell me that Moroni was going back up.  I'll blame him not telling me until then, on his recent shoulder surgery!  So I hurried back and this is what I didn't see!

I got these 2 pictures from someone else but I was able to get there just as Moroni was making his way back to his home.
 I decided to walk to a different part of the project and found this.  To be honest, as great as it was to see Moroni go back up, I got a bigger thrill out of seeing these members of the church so proud of what they were witnessing.
 They are all so ready to have their temple back and it showed.  It seriously was really a sweet moment to witness.  There were others here and there on the sight taking pictures.  I know that people who are not members of the church don't understand what the big deal is and I wouldn't expect them too.  That's ok.
But it really does mean so much to us.

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