About 2 months ago Ryan Wilhelmsen contacted me about surprising his wife, Charlene, for her birthday. Charlene was my roommate at Ricks College. Ryan wanted me and Brittany Doll, another roommate, to come up with a place for him to fly Charlene out to so that we could all get together....so I guess
happy birthday to us all! Of course, Charlene figured it out before our weekend actually came but it was still fun trying to keep it from her! They flew in to the Tulsa airport on Wednesday and on the next day off we went to Branson, MO.

That first night we went to the Dixie Stampede. We took this picture because I was giving Charlene a hard time when she said that these poinsettias were in the shape of a butterfly. They were obviously boots....I mean, we were at the Dixie Stampede! We thought it was neat how they got all those poinsettias to look like boots.....but when we went back to go look at them....ok, so it was a butterfly after all!

The next day we did a LOT of shopping and went the the Hollywood Wax Museum. We had a little bit to much fun there! There were many pictures taken there and now each of us girls have enough blackmail evidence on each other to last a lifetime....so this is all you get to see!

We continued to shop the next day and take as many pictures as we could. We laughed so much that I often heard the phrase, "My face hurts" or "My stomach hurts" coming out of each of our mouths. We may be a bunch of old moms now but we still know how to laugh!
On our way back from Branson we stopped at a Russel Stover Store. We had to take this picture because of the obnoxious amounts of junk food we had that we were taking home.
I love my Husband and my children dearly, but I am so grateful that I was able to make this trip with my dear friends. There are so many things that you forget when you are going about your daily routines. I forgot to laugh at myself. I forgot that so many moms go through the same things as I do. Thank you girls for reminding me of who I once was and who I am now. Both are good.