On Friday the Branch (church) had their Christmas Party. They fed us and the Primary (kids) acted out the nativity scene. Santa made an appearance and all was well.
Saturday came along and I had forgotten all about the Grove Christmas Parade. The parade is unique because they do it at night and with all the Christmas lights, it's a neat experience. Pounce (long-time high school friend) called me about an hour before the parade to see if I was going. David was the one who answered and told her we probably would go but that I would call her back. I hadn't been in a Christmas-ee mood since the prior night. I don't know why. Maybe I lost touch. I'm not much of a last minute person anymore, though. I have to prepare myself for things now so that is probably what put me in the bad mood...but I didn't want to go. I love my friend and I knew that the boys would LOVE the parade but I had to force myself to get going! I'm so glad that I did. It was so fun to listen to the two older boys yell, "MERRY CHRISTMAS" to every float that passed by...to watch Hryum turn around every once in a while and hold up a sucker for me to unwrap for him or some other candy that had been given to him...to listen to Pounce gush over my "cute boys"...to listen to my husband's redneck ideas of what he could enter into the parade for next year.
This week is going to be insane with how many functions we have plans for. I am really trying to remember my "Gingerbread Wisdom" though. A quote was used in Relief Society a few Sundays ago that I thought I would share that goes perfectly with what I have been trying to work on.
"The Christmases we remember best usually have little to do with worldly goods but a lot to do with the spirit of caring, the spirit of love, and the spirit of compassion." -President Thomas S. Monson, First Presidency Christmas 'Devotional, Dec. 3, 2006
"The Christmases we remember best usually have little to do with worldly goods but a lot to do with the spirit of caring, the spirit of love, and the spirit of compassion." -President Thomas S. Monson, First Presidency Christmas 'Devotional, Dec. 3, 2006
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