I haven't been to a Thanksgiving dinner with my family since being married. With the exception of 2 Thanksgivings, we have always spent it with David's side of the family. I really missed them this year. As far back as I can remember, we always had Thanksgiving at Grandma and Grandpa's house or Little Papa's house. The big hit with us kids were always the olives...putting them on each fingertip and going back for more. With the Grandkds being parents now we bring part of the dinner. I made the bread and mashed potatoes. I turned my back for a second and little Hyrum had gotten a hold of part of the mixer and went to town! He loved it so much and it was so cute that I kept putting more mashed potatoes on top of the places he had already licked clean.
By the time we got to Grandma and Grandpa's house, the game had already started!
April and Shaylee have never been afraid of a man's game!

It's weird to me that we are so big now that we have to have 2 high chairs and another table....and still have adults sitting on the floor in the living room while eating dinner!
I woke up this morning having had bad dreams. That always puts me in a somber mood. It took me a little bit but I was able to pull through it quicker than normal. That seems to be happening a lot more lately. I'm very grateful for that. I'm grateful for a husband who senses it every time; who knows just what to say to help me remember what is important, what is real, and that I'm not broken...just healing.
By the time we got to Grandma and Grandpa's house, the game had already started!
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