Well, fall break certainly wasn't a "break" for Mom but it was for the kids and school. Honestly, it was fun for me to be so active with them this past Wednesday and on. I took more naps than I am used to (because Hyrum always wants to sleep with someone.....not that I'm complaining!) but other than that, we seemed to be going, going, going.
On Wednesday we went with the Bishops to "attack" Elder Tabau's front door. He has served for 2 years for our Lord and is going home, to the Gilbert Islands. We don't often get missionaries that leave our area to go home.....and a home so far away and so different from our part of the world. We themed it "Oklahoma vs. Gilbert Islands" and printed off pictures of things that are on his Islands and things that are somewhat similar to us here. My favorite was, "You have geckos and we have the Geico Gecko......but I'm pretty sure yours doesn't sell car insurance!"
Then we had to horrible experience of getting the kids their flu shots at the ECC. Every year the school here gives them free to the kids. Levi is 8 years old and he completely scared poor Amanda's younger kids. We had to have 2 people hold Levi down and honestly, we could have used another body!

After hearing the boys fight all day on Thursday, Mommy was very happy to go to a Relief Society event that night. It was our annual service auction. I left with 3 loaves of bread and a quilt for a........GIRL!!!!! Yes, I fought hard for the girl quilt even though Tricia and Amanda kept making it clear that I didn't have any girls. I will say it again, "HELLO! I'm a girl!"

Friday seemed to go a little bit better with the bickering as there was less Wii playing and more imagination being used around our house instead. That night we went to Grandma and Grandpa's for a weenie roast.

But before long, my boy's imagination had gone and I was hearing, "Mom! Levi's hot dog is touching mine!"

Earlier I had bought the boys some glow in the dark (small) swords. I was excited for them to use them in Grandma and Grandpa's large yard......it wasn't long before Levi ran into a tree though......

Saturday was a Cub Scout event on Monkey Island. Here we are in one of those pedal boats.

I think this may have been Hyrum's first time riding a horse. The guy next to Hyrum is a pastor at one of the local "Cowboy Churches" around here. It was so odd for me to listen (at one point where we all sat down) for this man in chaps to preach to us. I'm not used to hearing, "Can I get an 'Amen'?" but it was COOL! It really was. I was glad that I was able to expose Brigham and Hyrum to another way of worshiping God.

This man was so good with Hyrum. He followed him around throughout the day just to help him. It was really sweet.

These last few days have been nice but I have to admit I am excited for tomorrow just to have church and that's it!