Levi has been playing soccer for the last few years through YMCA. I love playing through YMCA because up until this year, they really didn't keep track of scores and everyone sits together, cheering everyone on. This year scores were kept and I was surprised to find out last week that Levi's team was going to the championship game. It was kinda irritating that it was on Halloween night but since we had already been trick-or-treating on Saturday, I guess it was ok to skip out. Boy, am I glad that we did. They won and Levi couldn't have been more proud! Every year, every person who participates in soccer gets a trophy (and they are all the same) but Levi's team got a different set of trophies than any other team......1st PLACE!

Just a funny story.
Levi doesn't get most social situations. He can be pretty clueless at times when someone doesn't want to play with him or what to not say to people.....you know, the things that most of us get. So, I wasn't surprised at all when Amanda Bishop told me this story last week. It still makes me laugh!
She was taking Levi and Brigham home from school when she over hears Levi say, "I was the best player on my soccer team last year." Brigham replies with, "Hey! I was on your team last year!" Levi very honestly says, "I know."
Now you just have to know Levi. He doesn't have a cocky bone in his body. He just states facts. He is very confident. He often tells me how he is the smartest kid in his class. He just doesn't get that there are some things that you should keep to yourself. It cracks me up how clueless he is at times!
And just so you know, he was definitely not the best player on his team last year......though, I might just have to agree with him on him being one of the smartest in his class........
1 comment:
That is so funny! that is so levi! that kid next to him is my friend Kelsea's brother. Small world! Levi is just like me! always stating facts! Morgan
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