Monday, May 13, 2013

Stepping Back In Time

About 2 weeks ago, Brigham's class went to Lammersville School House.  It is an old school house that was moved inside Tracy city limits a few years ago.  It now shows the 3rd graders what an average day was like in 1876 for a school age child.  They have them dress up like a pioneer, eat what they would have eaten, raise and salute the flag, write with charcoal, sing old time songs, etc....
(an earlier Brigham Young, perhaps?)
The following week I was volunteering in Levi's class when Ms. Hadeit was teaching them about Sutter's Mill, which is about 2 hours from here.  Such good timing, I thought, so I had full plans of taking everyone there this Saturday but all the kids ending up getting sick at different times this weekend.

But today I went with Brigham's class on a walking field trip to the Tracy Historical Museum.  It is run by some older ladies who were quite stern with the kids.  The kids weren't the only ones scared!  But they got to help quilt, tin punch, write with metal nibs (instead of with an actual quail pen)
and make butter!
That was the coolest part for me to watch.  This lady had whipping cream in these mason jars and let the kids shake it like crazy.  They loved it and honestly, I didn't know that butter was so easily made...well, with modern day conveniences of being able to buy whipping cream straight from a very convenient grocery store :)

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