Last night, Shaylee and Elton stayed the night with us. It is spring break here and I just thought that it sounded like such a fun idea to have a bunch of little kids around...and I was right! It was a beautiful day so we started off the evening with some outside play. After that we came in to have dinner. I think the real fun happened once the blow up mattress was out, though. A blow up mattress just screams, "JUMP ON ME!" to a child. I didn't think they were ever going to get enough of that until Hyrum convinced Shaylee to read a book. It is neat to me how a book can calm any child down. After that we got ready for bed and they were all snuggled up in the bed with a movie when we brought out the donuts!
After the movie and the kids were put to bed, you could hear many giggles.....except they were coming from David and I! We heard conversations like this:
Elton- "Did you fart?"
Levi- "No!"
Elton- "Are you sure? I think you farted."
Levi- "I'm telling you, I didn't fart!"
OHHHHH myyyy goodness!!!! That is adorable! I love cousins! I wish I was able to have all of my cousins around! I LOVE the fact that Shaylee was reading them all a story! That is so cute! She's a good big sister/cousin!
I'm totally sure that was a conversation between you and David. Dont blame the kids.
Oh, you know me to well!
Yeah, except if that converstion happen between Alisa and David there would be no words. Only Alisa stiffling a giggle while farting and as soon as David either heard it or got a wiff of it he would have been in the next county in 2 seconds!
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