I stopped working just before Levi was born, over 7 years ago, and have stayed home with my children up until last year. I helped out at a flower/gift shop (Annie's Garden Gate) here in Grove off and on for the past year during busy holidays and when ever Robin needed my help. You wouldn't believe how nervous I was that first week I helped before Mother's Day last year. But working off and on during this past year got me ready for a longer lasting job that I actually wasn't nervous about! I work for the US Census Bureau. I love my job! I love getting out and talking to people all day long. I love that I'm getting out of the house. I love that it is making me fix my hair and put on makeup. I love that I have more energy. I love that I feel good about myself working. I love that I know Hyrum will be just fine without Mommy home all the time and most importantly I love that I don't feel guilty about not being home with him all the time like I was able to do with the other boys. Probably not much to most people but for me -someone who tends to feel guilty about not only big things but silly, remote things as well- this is important to me. I feel so very strongly about my staying home with my children when I did. I needed it, they needed it, and I think David even needed it. It was right. But I feel that at this moment in time, it is very good for me to be working.
Here is Hyrum and I on my first day out. He got a little emotional as I was leaving so I decided to have him come out and take a picture with me. It is so rewarding to me to come home and have him so excited to see me. He sticks to my side and tries to get me to sit down with him for the rest of the evening.
Here is David and I just before heading off to the temple this Friday. I was so hyper, for some reason, as we were leaving so here is us trying to stage a picture of him being annoyed with me. It didn't work.....he just looks cute! Since the temple is 3 hours away when we go we stay the night up there and try to get in 2 days worth of temple time. Anyways, we had the best time. I was wondering if I would really enjoy my time in Oklahoma City. I have been away from home a lot for the past month, with helping at the flower shop for Valentine's week and training for my Enumerator job, and I was afraid that this weekend might do it in for me. But I was ok with the boys being with my family and I just enjoyed my husband and the temple.
You are so beautiful and I am so glad to hear you are doing better and that you like the job your are doing!!
YAY!! I am so happy that you are working and feeling good about yourself. I love you tons. You are so lucky that you have family close so that you can leave and have a nice, relaxing, spiritual weekend with David. Love you!!
Aww Alisa!!! When I was little I always wanted to be like you (okay, maybe not always, but you know...) And now that you're a Mom and can still do things that make you happy, I still want to be like you! I love that you can see such great light out of little situations. You make me want to do that in my own life. I love that!
Its so good to hear you are loving your job and having a little break. I knew those guys hitting on you would be fun! How many people have asked to have help filling out their forms?
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