Grandma asked me how old I was today and I said something like, "33, I think." Someone corrected me and told me I was 32 and mom started laughing at me. I knew what she was thinking right away. I have come to that age where it doesn't matter anymore. For as long as I can remember when someone asked mom how old she was she would say something like, "I don't know....Alisa, how old am I?" I never could understand why she didn't know how old she was. I think I started this same thing right before I turned 30. I'd always get it mixed up how old I was. I just teased that it was because I didn't want to turn 30, I guess. Well, I'm past 30 now and I'm making myself older than I actually am so I guess that is not is. I guess it really is that we don't care so much about our age and birthdays after a while.
Yesterday I worked until around 5:30 p.m. As I was coming home, David had just pulled up into the drive. I knew he had gotten a babysitter for the boys but that was all I knew. I went inside to put all my work stuff away and saw a VERY clean house. That was my first present! It only got better as I got in the truck and he had a Miley Cyrus c.d. waiting for me. Yes, I'm a middle schooler at heart! We took off for Joplin, MO but stopped along the way to help a couple who was stopped on the side of the road. They had run out of gas. This is what I love about my husband. He never passes up someone who is stranded on the side of the road. He asked first, but I could never tell him no. The guy ended up staying with his vehicle while we drove her, Brittany, to the gas station. She must have been on some kind of drug because she was the most jittered person I'd ever seen. But as always, you can't treat people poorly by what they do in their lives because she was so nice and we actually really liked her. She had David laughing quite a bit! Anyways, after we got her back and them off on the road, we headed back off for Joplin. We got there and David let me in on the surprise. He had rented a hotel room for us (he snuck in our luggage into the back of the truck when I was inside the house) and was going to take me to Red Lobster. I love sea food! It was wonderful and so yummy and the hotel room was nice and comfy. He wanted to take me to a movie or what ever I wanted but since it was my pick I just wanted to go back to the hotel room. I'm weird like that. Having alone time with David is such a rarity (though we have it much more now that we live by family) that I am perfectly happy with just hanging out in a hotel room. Give me a deck of cards or nothing at all and there is always all kinds of things to talk about that you just never really get to with little ones all around you. But not only do I really like just hanging out in a hotel room, I had been feeling pretty sick. I think we ended up going to bed not to long after 9:00 p.m. The night before I was running a 101.8 temperature and had diarrhea. The worst was the chills. I had our heating blanket cranked up as high as it would go and I was still shaking so badly that once the fever broke, my muscles were sore! Anyways, Friday night I didn't have the fever but my body still felt a little yucky. But I woke up this morning, my actual birthday, and felt a little better. We had room service brought up and just lounged around....probably my favorite part! Anyone with children knows that sleeping in is not an option.
We finally left the hotel around 11:00 a.m. and this is what I found waiting for me when I got home!
For someone who can't remember how old she is, I think I'll remember this birthday for a while.
David said to me right before we pulled up into the drive way to our house, "I was thinking, I bet you felt abandoned when you were going through all that you went through last year with your depression. I hope you feel that you have friends now." I surely felt that today. Not just with being surrounded by family and friends today. But also looking back at last year and all those who tried their very hardest to stand by me as I tried to get it together. All those who didn't give up on their friendship with me even when I didn't want to be near anyone. Once again, I feel very blessed.
David said to me right before we pulled up into the drive way to our house, "I was thinking, I bet you felt abandoned when you were going through all that you went through last year with your depression. I hope you feel that you have friends now." I surely felt that today. Not just with being surrounded by family and friends today. But also looking back at last year and all those who tried their very hardest to stand by me as I tried to get it together. All those who didn't give up on their friendship with me even when I didn't want to be near anyone. Once again, I feel very blessed.
I'm so sorry I forgot your birthday. I am not very good at keeping track of dates these days. anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! We will see you Next Sunday @ Church....I'm so excited
Oh my gosh! Alisa!!! I'm literally crying! I just got home from a sappy, girly, chick flick and I didn't even cry during THAT movie! I absolutely love reading your blog. This post is by far my absolute favorite. You have such an amazing outlook on life! I love your optimism even when you're going through something difficult. This post made me realize that I need to appreciate the little things in life, because in all actuality they are the big things in life! I am so happy that you had such a great birthday! Seriously, tears streaming down my face. I LOVE YOU and HAPPY THIRTY-WHATEVER BIRTHDAY!
Aghh... It's like 6 minutes later and I just re-read your post. I cried again! I just love you! I'm sorry I'm so sappy! Haha I just watched When In Rome... and I have a special boy in my life right now so everything I say may seem a little extra mushy-gushy girly nonsensey! Either way... LOVE!!!
Happy Birthday!!! What a wonderful husband, so thoughtful! I'm glad to hear you had a great celebration. Oh and how wonderful to come home to so many love ones!!! I wish I could have that! :D Thanks for sharing your story!
Happy Birthday. Love the date that was planned. MMMmmm must remember to tell Travis about that.
Yeah, March babies! Happy Birthday to us!!!
Happy Birthday Alisa! What a great husband you have. Its so nice to have those little get aways once in awhile. How fun to come home to a house full of fun. Love you!
Happy Birthday Alisa! You are so lucky to have a sweetheart like David. I always liked that guy. ;) It's always nice to have those kinds of birthdays where your hubby goes out of his way to plan something special. I love you Alisa and think the world of you! Take care and keep smiling. I love your smile and your darling face!
Oh Alisa I miss you!! I so wish we had had more time together!! I am so glad you had a great special birthday and I do the same thing about my age. What are we gonna do when we are really old LOL Just make up a number I guess hahaha
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