My poor kids have been very sick for a while now. It started about 3 weeks ago...making its rounds through each child. Most of the time it ran its course while it was still infecting another child but every once in a while we would get a few days break before starting its course again. I'm sure it mutated somewhere along the way. Last night, I took Hyrum to the Emergency Room after learning that Daddy had put him to bed at 5:30 p.m. That is very early but it seemed even more odd to me since he had pretty much slept the whole day while I was home earlier that day also. So I checked in on him and sure enough he was burning up with a 104 temperature. He tested positive for Influenza A. I knew that had to be what Brigham was at home sick with also. Sure enough, today Brigham tested positive for it also. The flu outbreak here has really scared a lot of people and so the schools really don't want anyone going to school with a fever or if a sibling has the flu. Both the kids were so excited for their Halloween parties today. It really was not fun trying to get Levi to understand why he couldn't go to his Halloween party even though he wasn't sick. So I tried to make it as fun as I possibly could tonight for them. Grandpa (Thatcher) had brought over some Bugles and Kraft Easy Cheese yesterday for the boys. So after having pizza and watching a fun kid vampire movie we brought out the "little ice creams." Grandma started this with Hyrum. She would take one of the Bugles and put the Easy Cheese in the middle of it and give it to him. One day we were all over at Grandma and Grandpa's house when Brigham asked MeMaw and Poppy for "one of those little ice creams." It took them a while but then they finally realized what he was asking for. 

I guess being sick can still have a few perks to it.
1 comment:
Being sick is no fun. That must have been awful for your boys to stay home from school even though they weren't sick. I am so grateful that all 5 of us were sick at once. I hope you all feel better soon!
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