Today I was suppose to help Mrs. Goff with her class as they were watching the homecoming parade. The parade was during Hyrum's nap so I needed Daddy to be here to stay with Hyrum. The plan didn't work out like I'd planned and I'm glad it didn't! Hyrum has bowl movement issues and today was no exception. He was in a LOT of pain this morning and so I ended up putting him to bed for his nap much earlier than normal. I think all that crying took a lot out of him because he didn't fight me putting him to bed so early. Then 1:00p.m. rolled around and David still hadn't showed up to stay with sleeping Hyrum. Even though David was just a 5 minute drive away, he couldn't get to me because of the parade (we live right by the schools and that is where the parade was circling around). So he ended up having to find Mrs. Goff's class to try and help. I'm really glad that it worked that way because I ended up hearing Hyrum stirring in the bedroom at about the same time that I heard the band....they were coming down 7th street! So I hurried and got Hyrum out of bed and of course he had peed everywhere so rush, rush I went to getting him changed and shoes on. As you can see in the pictures, I didn't even have time to button him up! It was so cute to watch all the girls get excited over the baby/little kid on the other side of the fence. Most of the parade watchers were on the other streets so by the time they got to us they were pretty excited to see someone again and it just happened to be a cute little boy! As you can imagine, he was spoiled with candy!

2 days ago
1 comment:
Hyrum's motto: Will be cute for candy. fyi- the float with the Class of 2012, is missing the "cl" in the picture, I know it's immature, but it gave me a chuckle!
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