Here are a few cute bathroom pictures.

Hyrum is more attached to Daddy than he is me. It used to be the other way around but hasn't been since we moved here. When Daddy is home he is Daddy's bud. When Daddy has been gone most of the day working, he gets upset if Daddy leaves....even if to take a shower. I think it melts David's heart that Hyrum is so attached to him and so David always gives in and lets him in the shower with him.

After David shaved the other day, Brigham decided that he wanted to also. I got all excited and had to take a picture of this "first" for Brigham and he informed me, "It's not real, mom." As I usually say, Brigham is to smart for his own good! But Daddy informed him that he was really going to use the razor on him. He went on to explain that if you use it the right way (and he showed him) that is will not cut you. You should have seen Brigham's worried face there at first. But after he started shaving him, he was all smiles!
Cute boys and cute story!!!
Loved the shower picture! The shaving thing would make me so nervous. You must be so brave.
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