Hyrum turned 2 today. The last baby that I will give birth too is 2 today. I guess it is weird to say. For so long and in such a short span it seemed I was pregnant. Funny though, I still am not baby hungry one bit. Our decision is very much the right one, this I know. Maybe I'm not feeling it because he still seems so much a baby, though. He is tiny for his age. In fact, Auntie (April) has lovingly nicknamed him, "Bitty." He still doesn't really talk. He will say a few words like, "Shoe" which is more like, "Sue." He says, "Bob Bob" for Spongebob which is extremely cute! I really did NOT like it when the boys started watching Spongebob. I mean, he's funny and all but the point of the things that I let them watch is to encourage them to be smart....not....Ok, I'm going to let that one go. Ok, so they watch Spongebob on occasion! My son who hardly says a word at all can communicate Spongebob of all things! I have to admit....it is really cute! Anyways, my baby is 2!
MeMaw and Poppy (Thatcher) got his birthday all together. They assigned each family cupcakes. I think a few of us thought that was way to many but I have to admit it made it all the more fun seeing all those cupcakes for my baby!
This is as close as we could get him to blow on those candles.
He wasn't scared of them, he just didn't know how to do it but when they were out he got all excited!
He went straight for the frosting until the ice cream came! Poppy (Thatcher) and the older kids made this ice cream earlier in the day.
Here he is opening his present from Mommy and Daddy. We normally don't get them birthday presents (I know, we are mean parents!) because they get so much from everyone else but I felt bad because MeMaw and Poppy were getting all this together and I felt like I wasn't really contributing like I normally do with my other kids so we got him a much needed puzzle (we got rid of all our other ones when we moved).

Everyone left after presents but we stayed a bit and Hyrum ended his night with some MeMaw time.
Happy birthday, my stinky pahtinky!
Everyone left after presents but we stayed a bit and Hyrum ended his night with some MeMaw time.