Saturday, April 15, 2023

Ruger's Baptism

In November of last year, Ruger turned 8.  He was now old enough to be baptized if he chose to be.  On several Family Home Evenings or Come Follow Me study nights, I would slide in things here and there about baptism, covenants, and repentance to make sure that he really did understand what he could possibly be committing to.  I wanted him to not just make a well informed decision but I truly wanted it to be his.  So just before he could have been baptized in December, Ruger made it clear that he didn't want to be baptized.  It wasn't as if he was trying to do opposite of what other kids his age were doing or even had a real opinion on the matter.  He just didn't see the big deal about it all.  It's hard to explain his reaction and what I felt he was telling us.  But either way, David and I had decided long ago that we would teach and bear our testimony on important and sacred things but would not force them.  So we let it go.  And you know what?  For something that I feel is vital in returning to my Heavenly Parents again, you would have thought I would have freaked out in my head.  But instead I knew it was ok.  

So one day I was talking to Ruger, and I truly believe it was the Spirit, and in my mind I heard, "Ask him if he knows why people get baptized."  It was as simple as that and all of a sudden I realized that I had focused so much on the big words and meanings and promises and so much more that this poor little kid only needed to know one thing.  That his Mom and his Dad got baptized years ago because they wanted to live with their Heavenly Parents again one day.  And just like that and no questions asked, he wanted to be baptized.

So, last Saturday, Ruger was baptized making a sacred covenant with His Father in Heaven.  He did it on his own terms and I love that he did!

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