Friday, August 2, 2019

Hyrum Turns 12

Hyrum had a long celebration for his birthday.  Because of schedules that weren't in sync, he got to celebrate his birthday for about 3 days.
 Hyrum had been telling me for a few weeks how much he really wished his brothers would play the game Terraria with him.  So I thought that would be a great birthday present for him.  So on Monday night, 2 days before his actual birthday, we had cake, a quick Family Home Evening, and then the boys (with Daddy) played Terraria for a few hours.  It was a simple gift but it was one he had been wanting for a long time.
 The next night, Hyrum and I drove to Washington Terrace to pick up the Peer boys and took them to a trampoline park in Ogden.  It was pretty unique compared to other ones because of the extra amenities that this one had.  But most importantly, he got to spend time with his old friends that he misses a lot.
He opened presents from family on Wednesday, his actual birthday.

We are just one year away from having 3 teenagers.  And yet, Hyrum is still so young in the way he acts that it doesn't seem like that could be possible.  But I'm so grateful he is that way.  He still has such an innocence about him.  He starts Junior High this year.  He still loves playing on the computer or X Box.  He is loyal, kind, and faithful.  He is a good example to me of just believing in simple concepts...usually the very things that most adults have a problem with because they lack faith.  I love my 12 year old very much and am so grateful he is in my life.

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