Sunday, August 11, 2019

Summer Shenanigans

With School starting in about a week, I figured I should finally journal about our summer activities.  We didn't do a whole lot really.  But still...The Summer of 2019!
 I found myself at plenty of different parks at the beginning of summer, as the weather was still decently cool.  As it got a little warmer, I took Ruger to the splash pad that is close to our home.  I think it may have been the first splash pad that Ruger had ever went to.  It's so weird to be in this stage with teenagers and then a 4 year old.  Because I know the older boys wouldn't be interested, I sometimes forget to expose Ruger to certain things.  As you can imagine, he loved the splash pad!
 My college roommate, Brittany, was visiting Utah so we had dinner one evening.  As always, it felt like no time had passed.  She is a part of so many fun and growing memories of mine of a time when I was becoming an adult.  I'll forever be grateful for Ricks College for giving me the opportunity to grow in a safe environment.  I was immature and didn't do that well academically but the lessons I learned as I was coming into adulthood, well, I wouldn't change a thing.
 A pool opened up in our neighborhood a month or so ago.  The older boys haven't been that into it (it's small and crowded) but Ruger is definitely my swimming buddy.  He LOVES that pool!  And Mr.-I-Can-Make-Friends-With-Anybody, rarely plays with the same kid twice.  There is so many kids that come and go, that we don't recognize, but do you think that stops him from making a new best friend?  Nope! 
 Uncle Bubba and his family stayed the night with us on their way back home from visiting Oklahoma.  The month of July was kinda rough on me.  I really had a deep yearning for being home the majority of the month.  But Ronald coming with his family really helped to calm down some of that need I was feeling.  It may have been a place to rest for them, but I needed their presence.  I really did.
 David and I went on a double date with Levi and his girlfriend, Rachel.  We went to watch an outside production of Disney's Beauty and the Beast.  I still can't believe Levi agreed to go on a double date with his parents.  Well, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised.  I mean, it is Levi.  He's just not an average teenager.  But still.  I don't know if the 2 teenagers would say the same thing, but David and I really enjoyed doing this with them.
Last night our family went over to the Avery's house to have dinner, smores, and play in the pool.  Earlier I wrote about Ricks College.  I met Carl and Kristie Avery at Ricks College.  Carl was my FHE brother and pranking recipient!  He make Ricks College so incredibly fun.  Incredibly fun!  And then he started to date Kristie, whom I fell in love with.  I never thought our paths would cross so many times, through all of our moves, but they have and we have got to see each other through the years because of it.  I'm blessed to have such truly good people that still want to be a part of my life.  

And that's about it.  Not a lot has happened.  But just like it always does, summer has just about passed and I've wondered where the time has gone.

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