Tuesday, August 27, 2019

First Days Of School 2019/2020

And before I knew it, all my kids were in school...
 Ruger is technically in a preschool at the elementary school that he will one day attend but I'm still counting it since its 4 days a week and just as long, time wise, as the kindergartners go.  I actually cried when he walked away with his class.  I couldn't believe it had snuck up on me like that.  All my children in school.
 Really, it was a big year for most of the kids.  Hyrum was going to Junior High (7th grade) for the first time.  Normally I would be sick with worry.  Especially it being with Hyrum, my sensitive child.  Middle school/Junior High is a cesspool.  I can't think of an educational institution that is worse when it comes to kids acting out in all forms.  But this area that we live in now is so different.  And because of that, our Hyrum is making it through Junior High!
 This was the first year that Brigham went to High School (10th grade).  Most of the friends that he made at the end of Junior High last year, unfortunately, went on to a different high school but he seems to be handling school well.  Again, it makes all the difference when you live in an area with children that act so differently than other kids that you have went to school with in the past.
 Levi is a Junior this year and is reminding me everyday just how close he is getting to being on his own.  I am often reminded of little things, here and there, to make sure that I talk to him and the older boys about.  Those things that come along during the day that reminds me that I haven't taught them all they need to know to be on their own in the real world.  Its so weird being in this stage of life.  But if we are going to be in this stage, I'm glad we are where we are.


Nate, Marie & Lilly said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one that was scared to send their child to middle school this year. Lilly started 7th grade too and I think I had a harder time dropping her off at the school this year than when I dropped her off at Kindergarten the first time. Middle school was brutal for me and I so want Lilly to have a better experience. I know she will because she won't be going to Fairland Jr. High. And she is completely different than I was. She is confident and outgoing where as I was scared to death and super awkward. Hopefully both of our middle schoolers will survive the year. =)

Adams said...

Marie, I was going to say the same thing....she won't be going to Fairland so it will totally be a different experience for her! I just know it!