Sunday, June 17, 2018

Swimming Saturday

It may have been David's Fathers Day weekend but he was good to me, like he always is, and let me have lots of friend time on Saturday.  

(This is a closeup of my favorite one!)
 Shaunda, Robyn, and Brandy's birthdays are all in the summer so I really wanted us all to get together so I could give them their "Surviving 40" gifts.
Brandy invited us over to her house so that we could do something with our families this time...and we got to meet her new little sweetheart too!
 Just as we were leaving Brandy's house, David noticed that we had a flat tire.  Brandy's husband, Steve, helped us get the spare on and then we had to head to the Grove Wal-Mart to replace the tire.  It took over an hour.  We were supposed to be at Little Blue at that point meeting Mom, Ronald, his kids and then Katie Lester and her family.  I felt so bad because by the time the new tire was finally on, Mom and Ronald had to leave.  But they were so kind about it and knew that it wasn't anything we could control.
 Katie and her family waited on us and we ended up getting to spend a few hours with them.

I'm so grateful for a husband who knows how important my friends are to me.  He knows that I need them.  He could have gotten jealous when I asked if I could ride with Robyn on the way to Brandy's house (we needed to follow her because I didn't know how to get there).  But he didn't and because of that I was able to have a really good personal talk with Robyn that she needed to get out.  That same man could have just wanted to go home after all that pool time and then having to mess with the spare and then Wal-Mart but he knows how much I love Little Blue and so we went.  And in the end I got to spend one on one time with Katie while David and the kids went exploring down the creek.

I'm truly blessed.  I know this.

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