Thursday, October 11, 2012

Little Blessings Here And There

I have discovered a few things about myself in the last week or so.
As they often do, I didn't realize them until a few trials came my way.
We are in the process of buying a house.  We are so very excited to finally put down some roots.  A source of concern in my life has been money, lately.  This house is going to help tremendously with that.  We will save over $200 a month with the difference in what we are paying in rent right now, plus David will have a much quicker commute, thus saving us lots in gas (15 minutes one way as opposed to an hour and 10 minutes one way from this apartment).  Stress has come with a need to sell our lease here however, thus losing sight of our amazing blessing of this house.  I have to often remind myself to see the big picture.  
My Mother-In-Law, Helen, has been living with us also.  She is the kindest lady.  She really truly is and wants to serve all the time.  But no matter how nice someone is, when you have someone in your house at all times (she feels she is sick all the time so she doesn't leave the house...and most of time, doesn't leave Hyrum's bed) that is not your immediate family, it can get hard.  But this leads to another blessing.  With her living here she helps us with rent.  I am reminded again that the Lord brings blessings to our family here and there.  It is up to me whether I see them as blessings or not.
A few weeks ago, I was approached about a babysitting job.  I took it because we needed the money.  My blessing?  A super cute and happy baby to watch.  She couldn't be any more sweeter.  I truly love her.
But unfortunately, the other day I lost sight of those "blessings."  I was highly stressed and the toll payed on my back.  I was in pain and asked David to work on it a bit.  He did but I still felt so tight so I used this electronic stimulation massage thing that I have.  It manipulates your muscles into contracting without you doing the work.  I have used these when at chiropractors and it always seems to help me get ready before an adjustment.  But I wasn't smart and I over did it.  I hadn't used it in over a year but I still used it for way too long and at the highest setting.  That night, I couldn't get out of bed without crying.  I have been blessed with a high pain tolerance, thus putting up with my back pain for years but because of that pain tolerance I often over do things because I think I can handle it.  I felt like such a wimp that night as I cried.... once again, losing sight of the great blessing the Lord has given me of pain tolerance on normal days.
I woke up yesterday morning, crying almost immediately.  I didn't know how I was going to take the 5 kids that I take to school each morning as well as pick up Amalee and put her in the van.  I was stuck.  I could have called everyone and told them I just wasn't up to all of this, but I'm too wimpy to do that.  I can't stand disappointing people.  But from then on, the blessings started flowing.  One of the mom's of the kids that I take to school came over and insisted on picking up Amalee and putting her in the van for me.  She also waited for me to come back and got Amalee out of the van for me.  Later, that same Mom would pick up Hyrum from school and take him to a play date.  I then called Tricia to take me to an urgent care center because I needed someone to carry the baby for me.  She, in her wisdom, would end up saving me tons of money by coming over later with lunch, pain medicine, and strong hands to work on my back.  Helen heard me crying on the phone with Tricia and from that time on, was there to help me with the baby so I wouldn't have to carry her, feed her, or even change a diaper.
So my greatest realization yesterday was that I am very blessed with wonderful people who are willing to help....if I would just ask.


The Bass Family Pond said...

Oh the little blessings indeed, How I miss my family & friends, I miss you all so much, what tender blessings we receive from family and friends, when we see life's trials, obstacles, joys, pains and gains as blessings we then are blessed.(everyone has em') Does this make sence? Geeze, what I'm trying to say is, I guess,Great Post! About receiving blessings from on High. He puts people in our paths to help us through our lives and to help us through this journey like your husband, Mother-In-law and your friends. He loves us and we need him, we need to remember that he will always be there for us if we will but let him. This reminded me to be grateful for the things I have and to always thank my Heavenly Father for the MANY blessings I receive daily. Well, hope you didn't mind me using your blog to post my feelings on Blessings, now I won't have to do it on my own blog ") lol Love you

Unknown said...

Congrats on getting a house! Also, how cool you went to conference! I'd love to go-I've been once the last Sunday Morning session in the old tabernacle before they finished the conference center. It was great. Love and take care of yourself!

Char said...

I've read two books lately that have made me feel very grateful. One was about an LDS family in Berlin during WWII. The other was about a young couple from England who joined the church and their trek to America. Its easy to lose sight of our blessings. I love being reminded of how much I truly have. Love you babe!

Tricia said...

Hope your feeling better. It is easy to let life get the best of us sometimes. Hang in there!!! I love ya