Saturday, September 22, 2012

The Sharks

 Money has been a little tight since school started and so it really bothered me that we could only put one of our boys in a sport this fall.  Brigham even cried about that, as a parent, makes you feel low (especially when they cry that sad cry, and not the "I didn't get my way" cry).  But since Brigham and Levi played in the spring, we felt it was only fair that it was Hyrum's turn.  Here is Levi reminding Hyrum what to do right before his first game.
 The first game, I felt just a tad bad for Hyrum as he was always the one trailing behind...
 ...but every once in a while he did get in there.
By the third game, it became "painful" for Daddy to watch as Hyrum clearly didn't care that he wasn't in the mix of things.  He would do this little prance like thing and then purposely fall to the ground while yelling "Whoah!"  I kept encouraging him to get up but he kept insisting he couldn't help falling.  You had to be there to see it but trust me, he was just playing around.  He was always very far behind everyone else, so they couldn't have tripped him, and his shoes were tied....and he smiled on his way down everytime.  Little Stinker!!!
All that matters is that he is enjoying it :)  I am not a sporty or competive mom so you won't see me out there yelling at him.  I do think we should try a different sport next time, though.  I'm thinking baseball might be a better match for him since you are not out in the field the whole time and when it is your turn to bat, all eyes are on you.  He likes attention like that.
The Sharks


Char said...

Maeli doesnt really like soccer either. I asked her if she had fun playing her game and she said, "No, not really. Its just all about running." She wants to swim.

Char said...

Oh and I forgot the Naked Cowboy and Phantom! So much happened it was hard to remember it all. Whoops.

Tricia said...

Just seeing him in that BIG purple shirt makes me smile... Coach Tricia sure loved watching him play or fall. But the best was when he would just leave the field:) Preston said the first couple games "I wish Hyrum was on my team". At least you have him out getting exercise and it gives your boys a chance to cheer on their brother.