Wednesday, July 11, 2012

What Comes Out Of Our Children's Mouths

It rained today.  I think it has rained, at least during the day, twice in our area since school has been out.  I know that is not really news for much of the country right now but it sure is such a blessing to see that rain....even if it only lasted a matter of very few minutes.
This morning Brigham said our breakfast prayer.  In it he prayed for rain.  I am sure he has prayed for rain in the past but I don't remember him doing so.  It caught my attention enough that I told him how much I appreciated him asking Heavenly Father for rain and how badly we needed it.
So, we are coming out of Smith's grocery when we see these huge drops of rain coming down.  We run to the van and Brigham says, "Hey!  My prayer happened!"  I told this to Tricia and she said, "What a sweet tender mercy."  Sometimes I forget just how important it is to us that we are recognized in our actions and words both by those around us and our Father in heaven.  The faith of a child...
...but maybe that should worry me.
Almost every prayer that Hyrum says, has something to do with him wanting a sister or sisters.  But then again, he also asks if he can "keep Katie."  So, maybe I am safe!
 Katie helping Hyrum with his summer homework.
 I also wanted to journal some things that the boys have said so I don't forget.
We were at the pool when Brigham took Hyrum's leg and my arm and compared them side by side.  Hyrum's legs are perfectly smooth with no freckles.  I have lots of freckles on my arms and face.  Brigham points this out.  Then he looks at my face, stares for a bit and says, "I'm guessing you would look better without those."  Nice.  Love you too, son.

I was paying bills at the table when I overheard Levi saying out in the living room to his brothers, "Mom doesn't share very good with chocolate."  True, true.

We are driving to Seven Peaks when I hear the boys singing, "One, two...I gotta go poo.  One, two, three...I gotta go pee!" Pretty funny, actually.

1 comment:

Apeeee said...

Laughed. Out. Loud on this one!!! But I got one for you...on my birthday this year I was in the bathroom fixing my hair when little Elton walks into the bathroom. He says hi and just stares at me for a min in deep thought...then he shares his thought. He says, "hey, mom. You kinda still look pregnant," ......happy birthday to me...