Tuesday, February 1, 2011

When the weather can't decide...

Saturday was an absolute beautiful day. We played at the park and worked on vehicles and just tried to soak up as much of the sun as possible as we knew of our upcoming winter storm. Everyone around here has been talking about this storm for a good week now. It is amazing to me that we can know so much in advance of what to expect weather wise. Because of really bad past ice storms (I've had family members who didn't have power and water for days), every one kinda freaks out around here when these storms come along. Though, if I had lived through it, I probably would also. Anyways, Wal-Mart was a mad house yesterday. I wish I had my camera on me because the lines were insane! Everyone takes stocking up on water and supplies very seriously. If it wasn't for meeting Tricia there, I would have never went into that packed store! I kept Sofie entertained but I have to admit it was probably for more selfish reasons as she distracted me from freaking out about all the people around me.
Sun will make you do crazy things! On Friday at work, another really nice day outside, we had another business owner come in and buy balloons to put outside to attract customers. Very smart idea in my eyes. Driving around later that day, I wanted to go shopping too and obviously it worked on Dad and Mom! Congrats on the new car!

Hyrum and I making food for the birds earlier today.
So late last night David and I started to hear the pounding of thunder and the following tings of ice hitting the side of the house. Immediately, I was all grins from ear to ear. I LOVE THIS WEATHER!!! I am not a night owl. In fact, I start to get nauseous if I stay up past midnight but I must have been super excited because I wanted to say up and watch movies. I didn't want to miss out on any of the stuff that was falling because I didn't go to bed until just before 4! I guess I didn't think it was going to ice/snow all night but it did and all day today also! I don't know how much we actually got but it was definitely over a foot.

Our house has a very steep odd ramp outside one of the doors, that would never help any elderly person get up to our house but it makes for great play! Whether running little cars down it or making a pathway for a sled, it has kept my boys busy a many a hours!
And it keeps a certain missionary entertained also!

While Elder Grigg was busy playing with the boys (I give him a hard time about being the "fun missionary" while Elder Calkins is the responsible one. I actually think it is a great companionship, though. It reminds me of my marriage. David is always ready to do spur of the moment fun stuff while I'm the one thinking about what actually needs to be done.) Elder Calkins was trying to dig out my husband's truck....yep, my responsible husband was going to go and drive to pick up the missionaries this morning in this crazy weather...yeah, he only made it to the ditch across the street!
The missionaries ended up walking over here and after a few hours of defrosting, that is when we actually first went out and enjoyed the snow. Some people drove by and offered to help. I love the friendliness of small towns....even if it means getting them stuck also!
Eventually they made it out and David got much closer to our property and now we are all enjoying warm moments together.


Ruth said...

Looks like fun was had by most......maybe not so much getting stuck. Just wondering? Was Elder Grigg too "fat" to go down the ramp, it looked like the boys went down just fine until he gave it a go. Too Funny =) Ruth

Adams said...

That husband of mine and his fat jokes! I keep telling him to knock it off!
You have no idea how much we love that Elder! He reminds me of David so much...always wanting to serve but never forgetting to have fun while doing it.

Char said...

I can not believe all the snow! We havent had snow for quite awhile here. I'm glad it snowed for you!