Monday turned out to be a very busy day for our family and before we knew it, time had passed and I was burned out. It was time for a break! So we put off our usual Memorial Day tradition and stayed home for the evening. Today wasn't any different. Very busy but we couldn't keep putting it off. So after work today (I worked at Annie's today) the missionaries and the Wilson family came over for Family Home Evening. The missionaries could only stay long enough for dinner so by the time that F.H.E. started it was just the 2 families (minus a few Wilsons). I spoke for a little bit on why we celebrate Memorial Day but we mainly focused F.H.E. on the activity; decorating graves.
We usually decorate children's graves that have not been decorated but we didn't have much luck with that (I guess that is good though) so we found a lot of veterans graves. It was kind of fitting because of how well the City of Grove had decorated the cemetery with flags. They were everywhere and it was a beautiful sight.
I really enjoyed having the Wilson family with us because they are in the same boat as David and I were in when we started this tradition; living in a state where we had no family graves to decorate. Plus, it helps that I love the mom so much! Tricia has been so good for me. Have you ever known someone who you look up to so much that you just want to be around them in hopes that some of that goodness rubs off on you? That's how I feel about my Tricia Wilson. I love her so much.
Just as we were leaving I finally found a child's grave that wasn't decorated. It was very old and had something growing on it. It needed our love. I can't imagine the pain those poor parents went through losing this little one. Once again, I am very grateful for my children's health.
2 days ago
that is so sweet and thoughtful. the cemetary looks beautiful.
oh my goodness! I am sitting here with goose bumps and tears running down my face. You are so sweet. I am so blessed to have you as my friend. I love you like a "Sister"! Thanks again for the new tradition for our family. It was great!
Funny...that's EXACTLY how I feel about Trisha as well!!! Don't get a big head Trish but you have already rubbed off on me!! I love you!
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