Today Levi started his cub scout camp. It goes from 9-4 for the rest of the week. Not only is this his first cub scout camp but he fished and did archery for the first time.

Levi was disappointed when we had to go to our next station and he hadn't caught a fish yet. I think he thought that you always catch a fish when fishing. And yes, that nasty green stuff you see on the top right hand corner of the picture is the pond we were fishing in....yummy!

Next was our guest speaker...a snake man! I don't really care for snakes but I loved watching this man teach us about snakes. He seemed like such a calm and gentle man for one to be handling and loving snakes all the time! This is a rattlesnake that he has in his hand in this picture and yes that is a brave boy touching it!

I learned a lot from this man today. One being the difference between poisonous and non-poisonous snakes. Poisonous snakes have a triangular shaped head of have those "cat like" eyes. Non poisonous snakes have round heads and round eyes. Though they can still bite and have very nasty mouths so you should clean it right away.

Levi said he liked it all but I think archery was probably the hardest for him. The guy teaching the boys kept forgetting Levi is left handed and would show him everything right handed before he would remember and so Levi kept messing up. I could tell the man was getting irritated with Levi. But I had to remember that it was very hot and humid out and everyone was feeling it.

It's hard to see it but I got a picture of Levi's arrow in the air!

Our next place to go was to the BB guns but we only got as far as the rules when it started pouring down rain. But as you can imagine with a bunch of young boys, that didn't stop them in finding things to do. Before we knew it they were catching water and throwing it on each other!
The storm sent us all home early. Our camp is out in the country in an area that I wasn't familiar with. As we were leaving, Levi got out our directions and tried to get me to use them but I told him that I thought I knew the way home. Well.....I ended up in Vinita.....the town going the opposite direction of Grove! Levi looked up with a funny look on his face and said, "Mom! We should have used this!" as he held up the directions (when I told him that I went the wrong way).

So we pulled in to town where there was a Sonic and we stopped to get us a treat. The time that it took at Sonic and the extra driving got us to an accident that had just happened- just outside of Afton- just in time to be of help. I have no doubt that the Lord wanted me to take the wrong way home. We came up on this car that had hydroplaned into lots of water in a field. As we were passing I realized they were some ladies from the cub scout camp with about 4 kids. They already had someone there trying to pull her car out of the water (the water had risen to about mid-calf in their car) with their vehicle by the time I got there. The kids were out and everyone was safely in another car. But the poor driver was a wreck. Her lip was quivering, she was pulling at her hair and she couldn't get a hold of AAA. During the hustled of getting her and the kids out of the car, she lost her keys in the rising water. They needed to get those kids home so Levi and I stayed with her, Michelle, and her son, Dalton, while we waited for help. But before her friend left with the other kids I over heard her friend saying something about not wanting to leave her without her medicine. I found out that she was on Xanax for anxiety/panic problems. The Lord put me there at that place at that moment for a reason because I never go anywhere without my medicine! It took a little bit but before I knew it, she was actually laughing! I have hoped for a long time that I would be able to help someone else who struggles with the same things I do. I'm really grateful that the Lord felt I could help her today. Anyways, this picture is of Levi and Dalton playing with a crawdad that a guy that was helping us found crawling across the road. Boy was this storm misplacing a lot of us!
Help finally came, as well as my wonderful husband who came to check up on me, and like a crazy person I am on this computer and not chillin!
ALISA!!! I love reading your blogs! You are so uplifting in situations where I would be such a nervous wreck... ahem, the snake. BLAH!!! You gotta warn a person when posting pictures like that!!! Haha I absolutely love the picture of Levi in the back of the truck with the crawdad. You can barely see his huge eyes peering at the thing! Too cute!
I can't wait for my boys to be old enough for Cub camp and doing things like this; especially if I don't have to be the primary planner and carry er outter.
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