Day 2! Yesterday was a scorcher! I think my mom told me it got up to 97 degrees and a lady at camp said the heat index was at 105. Oh how I really don't like the humidity here! To top it all off I started my period that morning....needless to say, Daddy is at the camp today dealing with the port-a-potties (Thank you Marlana and John! I've been impressed with how clean they have been!) and the heat and all that!
The boys were rewarded with a good ol' hose down after lunch!
They went fishing again and I had to take a picture of this boy in our group. He got all excited as his bobber went down in the water but as he was reeling it in all we saw was this mass of gunk that the boys were calling "seaweed." He was disappointed as he pulled it completely in but then another boy screamed, "There really is a fish in there!" As we moved the "seaweed" around there was a little guy in there after all!
And then our first time fisherman caught his own fish! He was so excited! Only 2 boys caught fish in our group that day and Levi was one of them!
By the time Levi and I got home we headed straight for the showers and scrubbed off our many layers of Off and sunblock. I found a tick crawling on me but so far we have been lucky and haven't had one stuck on us.
We very rarely buy fast food but last night we had the funds and I just really wanted to veg in front of the TV with my little ones. So Daddy did his homework while me and the boys ate Taco Mayo while laughing at Evan Almighty. It was a perfect evening!
Aww cute! You are such a descriptive writer! I totally imagine you doing what you say you do. Like, I can see you sitting on the couch with your boys, munching on a delicious burrito, squinting your eyes as you smile down at your boys. So so cute!
Thanks Jolayne.....sure do love you!
We are had Day Camp this week also!!! Ours was Monday through Friday 8 to noon each day. It looks like your boy sure had a lot of fun!! Miss you guys!
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