We live in Oklahoma but our Stake (The term stake comes from the prophet Isaiah, who prophesied that the latter-day Church would be like a tent, held secure by stakes - Isaiah 33:20; 54:2. Each stake is presided over by a stake president, assisted by two counselors) is in Arkansas. The Stake put on a community emergency preparedness fair today and even though we had to drive an hour and a half we still made it without the kids going crazy in the van. They actually did quite well on the way home too. There were all kinds of booths on preparing ourselves in an emergency, every family received a free 72 hour starter kit, free lunch, but most importantly (to the kids, at least) there were lots of entertainment!
A penguin from the movie Madagascar and a bounce house got their attention right away. Brigham, whom we lovingly tell everyone he has a tapeworm because he is ALWAYS hungry, didn't even want any of the free lunch that was provided because he just wanted in that bounce house!
We have been to a lot of fairs and stuff that have had helicopters there but we have never seen one take off before so this was a first for all of us.
Here is one of those fake "smokehouses" that the firemen do for the kids (and some adults like me!). This was probably my favorite thing that we did because as the fireman was asking questions I realized that there were a few of the questions that my boys didn't know the answer to at the time. Here is Levi crawling under the smoke to get out of the house.
2 days ago
I am so looking forward to next year when Logan is older and will "enjoy" it more! It looks like you had a great time!
Wow that is going way out, but I love it.
That is really elaborate for a stake preparedness fair. I'm impressed. We have lived here for almost 4 years now and we have never had one of those. Looks like you had fun though!
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