Saturday, December 24, 2022


On Thursday, David and I celebrated our anniversary early in Midway.  After Zel and Desiree took us to Midway a few months ago, David and I decided that we wanted to make this our place for anniversaries.
We went on a "sleigh ride" at the Jordanelle Reservor.  It was cold, even for me!  But the wind wasn't blowing so it was do-able...especially with David cuddling me.
We stayed at the Zermatt Resort.  Our room was wonderful and the environment on the resort was beautiful.  I had barely started medication for a UTI so I was in a lot of pain early that morning but with the medication and by the time we got to Miday, I was able to really enjoy spending quality time with David.  It was seriously relaxing.  We stayed up, probably way too late, playing card games and watching TV because we didn't want any of our time together to end.  It's funny because I can remember past anniversaries and getting to a hotel and just falling asleep so fast because David and I were in the "thick of it" in raising our little ones and were just so exhausted.  Different stages...and that's ok.

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