Thursday, December 22, 2022

Not a teenager anymore

Our family has spent many Christmases with my side of the family in Oklahoma.  With Elton and Levi's birthdays being so close to Christmas (they are a year and 3 days apart in age) they have shared quite a few family birthday parties.  But this year, Elton celebrated with us in Utah!  He was here for a friend's wedding but we'll take it!
We had their birthday dinner a few days ago at PF Changs.  But for the activity, on Levi's actual birthday, we went to Provo Beach.

David looks like he is about to fall off the board here but he was actually purposefully flipping his whole body and board around.  Both he and Levi are pretty good at that.

Provo Beach also has other activities but who needs structured activities when you can make up your own game and rules...I think it's a mixture of croquet and bowling here.  It was actually quite entertaining watching the 4 older boys, well, be boys.

So, Levi isn't a teenager anymore.  I don't think it has fully sank in yet because he has acted so responsibly for so long, I guess it feels as if he grew out of the teenage phase a while ago.  He has 2 jobs, pays bills, owns his own car, and up until recently wasn't even living at home.  He makes time to hang out with friends but is still respectful to David and I as he always lets us know what he is doing.  He and Ruger still has that beat each other up and call each other names relationship (but with smiles on their faces most of the time).  He doesn't treat Brigham and Hyrum like "little brothers" but more like friends.  He probably has no idea how attractive he is because it sure hasn't gotten to his head.  I know I can trust him and I truly am so blessed to be called as his mother.

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