Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Christmas 2022

Ruger wanted to help Brigham make the hamburgers on Christmas Eve night.  I was grateful that Brigham let him and watched him carefully as he helped.
Ruger thought it was only fair that the animals get hamburgers too.  It was Christmas Eve, after all!  We knew Neve would never eat it so Ruger just made a teeny tiny hamburger patty for Okayu and a full, but tiny hamburger.  The fixings and all!
Funny thing about this Ronald McDonald plate.  When Elton was here a few weeks ago, he pulled out this plate to use.  Took one look at it, said it was creepy, and put it back.  Ha!
After we ate, we watched a video of the reading of the "I Believe in Santa Claus" book and then started to open up gifts.
Ruger was excited when he opened up his drone gift but his face lit up when he realized that Nanny and Poppy had gotten him one with a camera!  As I was taking this picture, I heard Hyrum behind me say, "That's what the rich kids get."  Ha!
Hyrum knew he was getting this scarf but the company it came from said it wouldn't come in until after Christmas so he was genuinely surprised when he opened this one up.
My gorgeous son holding up his money gift from Uncle Chuck and Grandpa.
My face-making boy holding up Nanny's homemade creation of a money holder.  That face.  It's my own doing.  I was a terd like that growing up with my parents taking pictures of me too!
David was impressed with his man self-care box I got him.  We all really loved the sandalwood smell.
And this is the picture I got when I let Ruger take a picture of me with one of my gifts!
Christmas morning I found Levi in this getup!  He cracks me up!

Grandma Adams came over for Christmas dinner.  After we ate, David convinced the boys to watch the old "Willow" movie with us.  I know the special effects and stuff is nothing like what they are used to but they watched the whole movie.

A little reflection:  When I was saying the prayer over our meal it came to my mind to be grateful not just for Christ's sacrifice that would come after His birth but our Heavenly Parent's sacrifice in allowing Him to come for us.  That is a sacrifice that I don't think  about often enough.  But I am grateful.

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