Monday, May 17, 2021

Seminary Graduation

Levi graduated from Seminary on Sunday.  As the speakers were talking about their experiences with Seminary, I couldn't help but think of all of Levi's experiences in all our moves.  He has done early morning Seminary, Seminary during school hours, and online Seminary during the pandemic.  He had to look out for skunks on the way to and back from every early morning class he had in Oklahoma.  He had to go to classes where he wasn't feeling the Spirit that much.  And then he went to classes where it helped turn his life around spiritually.  It was a journey that I am so grateful he experienced and endured.  Needless to say, I am very proud of him for sticking through 4 years of this important education.
I also wanted to add this picture of Elton graduating in Oklahoma.  I thought it was so cute that I had to add it to our family journal.  Especially since we all wanted to be there.


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