Saturday, September 7, 2019


David came home from one of his church meetings a while back and told us about this 50/20 race that was coming up through the Boy Scouts of America.  The theme was "I can do hard things" and the object was to run/walk 50 miles within 20 hours.  

Absolute insanity, if you ask me.

But Levi immediately wanted to do it.  David was asked to work one of the stations along the route but after his shift was done, he wanted to join Levi.

So on Friday, Levi began his journey.  I was proud of him for wanting to do it but I asked more than once if he was sure he really wanted to do this.  I knew this Momma wasn't going to get much sleep that night, worrying about all the things that could possibly go wrong. 

But on he went until he met up with Dad at the station David was working.

They kept going until late into the night.  Unfortunately (Or maybe, fortunately for Mom's sake!) Levi started to have major stomach issues.  He walked for hours like that until he finally allowed himself to call it quits at the 25 mile mark.

I know Levi really wanted to keep going and even though I was nervous about the whole thing, I'm so grateful he had his Dad there through most of it and I'm so proud of him for sticking to it for as long as he did.  Such a strong young man he is.

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