Monday, May 27, 2019

Squaw Peak

On Sunday, right after church, we went to the Provo Cemetery where David used to work while we were dating.  We went there to do our Memorial Day weekend tradition of finding graves of soldiers or children, who didn't have flowers.  We each placed our own flowers, went home and had lunch and then headed to Squaw Peak.  
 We didn't get very far on our hike because as we got towards the top it was very muddy and when you are climbing steep trails, that just isn't safe.  It has been raining here for weeks so I wasn't too surprised.
But it was still fun taking the boys to where David proposed to me over 17 years ago.  It was fun telling the boys about our memories of that day.  

Our life isn't anything like we expected it to be at this stage of our marriage.  There are things that I wish I could go back to because they were so very good.  There are things I wish I could relive so that I could change because it hurt so bad.  But I'm so grateful that I got to go through both scenarios with David.  He has continuously made me a better person by pulling me through the hard times and laughing with me through the good.   

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