Monday, May 6, 2019

Battle Creek Falls

After church and naps, we went to Pleasant Grove and went on a hike to Battle Creek Falls.  When I looked this hike up on the internet, it said it was "easy."  The person who labeled it "easy" certainly does not have Myositis!  But at least it wasn't super long (about a mile and a half) so that the uphill climb was manageable.  

The best part for me was the cold mist coming off the waterfall but I'm pretty sure that for everyone else it was the rock sliding off the side of the mountain.  Daddy is such bad example telling the boys how much fun it was doing that growing up!  Before I knew it, all the boys and Daddy were climbing up and sliding/hopping down the side of the mountain.  There are a lot of times that when we go hiking, I get nervous at some of the choices of "trails" or adventures that they take.  At first, this was one of them but before I knew it I was taking pictures!

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