Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Hyrum's 6th grade graduation

Hyrum came home with pictures of him in a cap and gown a few days ago and I immediately started crying.  We fought so hard for him to graduate.  Those pictures represented a big deal.
 I look at this picture and I see a boy who had to leave his closest friends in Washington Terrace, went to a school in Oklahoma were he was miserable, soon after began homeschooling, had no friends, went on and off ADD medication (because I was trying to figure out just what was best for him), and went back to public school when we moved back to Utah just to find out that he was very behind.  Emotionally and academically he was not ready for 6 grade...and it was close to the end of the school year.  And then he got on the right medication, worked really hard and proved everyone that he really was ready.  I look at this picture and see a little boy that just needed the right tools combined with hard work.

 Now maybe someone could see why I got so emotional at seeing those pictures.

This morning was Hyrum's 6th grade graduation and I was crying all over again just as it started.  I was just so proud of him!

 (Hyrum wanted a picture of him with his brothers that had already graduated from elementary school)
 (Hyrum with his friend, Ethan)
I'll end it with my favorite picture of the day...doesn't Hyrum look like he's plotting something?!

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