Sunday, May 26, 2019

Remembering Those That Have Passed

David and I went to the Provo Tabernacle Temple on Saturday while the older boys watched Ruger.  This was mine and David's first time at this temple, which was special enough as we had both been in the tabernacle before it was a temple.  But it was extra special because we were able to do the baptismal and confirmation for my Grandma Beck and two of my Aunts, Grandma's children.
 The Spirit was incredibly strong just before I got in the water and as their names were being said.  I truly felt the Spirit.  I kept thinking of Grandma as we were heading to the temple but it was interesting to me that it was Aunt Brenda that I kept thinking of while there.  Everyone one deserves a second chance and I really felt like it had to have felt something amazing to be washed clean.
This is the weekend of Memorial Day.  I couldn't think of a more fitting weekend to be even more eternally tied to my family.

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