Sunday, May 12, 2019

Mother's Day and Rock Canyon

Before it gets too hot this coming summer, we will be going on a hike every Sunday after church.  So today we decided to head up to Rock Canyon.  When we got there, we saw the Bonneville Shoreline trail and was all over that!  Well, Mom was all over that!  I love the Bonneville Shoreline because it is sooooooooooooo much easier than almost every trail in this area.  I love hiking but it is hard because if it is near the mountains, it involves going uphill a lot.  But not on the Bonneville Shoreline!  Because it is the "shoreline" of the ancient lake Bonneville, it is pretty flat and you get a great view of the valley below. 

 But that doesn't mean that the boys don't like to go off on little pathways that they find that go up the mountains here and there...

...or little caves that they find...

...or climb rocks that freak Mom out! 

And when you go up a mountain, you need a walking stick, right?  Levi ended up breaking it in half and actually using it for a while as a supposed walking stick.  That boy!

I wanted to share something that happened at church today.  The 2 speakers during Sacrament meeting spoke of the usual Mother's Day stuff.  You know, "You are doing great as a mother" kind of stuff.  I was really struggling with the messages but didn't cry.  At the end of the second talk, Brigham leans over and puts his arm around me.  He told me, "I hope you were listening to those talks."  And then I lost it.  I mean, I thought I was going to have to get up and leave kind of lost it.

I beat myself up over so much as a mother.  And here lately, I have been doing it more than usual. I hate that I'm doing it.  But I do.  But hearing him say that to me meant the world to me.  It was better than any physical gift because he was listening!  He wasn't just telling me that he thought I was a good Mom.  He was listening to the talks.  I have worried a lot about my children lately and if they "hear" the Spirit.  If he "hears" our nightly scripture reading.  If he "hears" family home evening.  And if he isn't "hearing" any of it, will he be prepared to leave our home when the time comes.  Will he be protected with the teachings of his youth in this world that can be so distracting with electronics and instant gratifications?  Oh, I can't describe that feeling that I had when I realized he is listening.  That right there really was my Mother's Day gift.

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