Sunday, April 15, 2018

You're Safe Baby

On Saturday I was was at a house warming party for a friend.  She is the Relief Society President in the ward that we attend here in Yukon.  Though we haven't been here long and she has moved, I'm grateful I have already learned much from her.  I want to share something that I learned from her on Saturday.

I was getting ready to leave her new house on Saturday when she said something to me that I hope will stay with me in the coming toddler years with Ruger: 

You're safe baby.

I had been giving one of her sons a ride to an elementary school near where we live during her move process.  I wanted to know if she still needed help with this but she and her husband had decided to go with another school that was closer.  She confided with me that Dallin may seem to be "sweet" but that he was her hardest child.  She had a forced laugh and said that when he was born, in the hospital, she had an overwhelming feeling of "You're safe baby" and then brought him up to her chest.

When she told me that, I didn't laugh.  Now, if you know me, you know that I laugh at a lot of things.  

I didn't laugh at that.  I got goose bumps up and down my arms.  And I had to know what she meant.  So I asked her.  "What do you mean, Genie?"  I didn't laugh at that because I was offended.  It wasn't that at all.  I just felt so strongly that I had to understand.  The Spirit was telling me to listen up!  Listen Alisa!  I'm talking to YOU!

She told me that she didn't know it at the time but she knew it now.  She knows now that if Dallin had been born in any other family that he would had been abused.


I just started crying.  Right there at that party.  I hugged her.  Oh how I needed to be there.  How grateful I am that she invited me to her party.  How grateful I am that she is my friend.  How grateful  I am that she was my Relief Society President.  

I needed to be reminded that Ruger was placed in our family for a reason.  He needed to be protected.  Physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  He is so active and hard sometimes that I forget that important fact of nurture and love does not always come natural to birth parents.  It may have came at times to Ruger's birth mother but it would not have at all times and with his very active nature you have to be on very high alert.  And it is exhausting.  And when you're exhausted, you tend to make stupid mistakes.  You see where this is going?

I needed those 3 little words.

You're Safe Baby. 

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