Wednesday, January 7, 2015


I'm going to admit to overreacting right now. 

As annoying as all the politically correct people in the world are as well as parent's of disabled children (or anyone who is different from what the world considers normal, for that matter) who get offended when people label their children names that everyone was suppose to call them at one time but now has changed as if they are being made fun of, people of different color that insist that a white person is racist if that person goes against something that they say,  a person who worries that so and so is mad at them because when they texted their friend, he/she didn't end the text with a smiley face.....oh my!  We are so stinkin' offendable!  The list goes on and on.  What is right or wrong to say or do keeps changing and I seem to never know if what comes out of my mouth might offend someone or not.  So lets just assume that I love everyone, ok?

 And I am going to add to the fire, I'm afraid (though I will admit that if I were in the above situations, I just might be singing a different tune).

Being a Foster Mother, I found myself being annoyed the other day at a TV show.  Mad that it seemed that every other episode portrayed the bad guys/girls as once being Foster Children.  Or the episode where a biological mother starts killing different Foster Parents trying to find her child.  Geez!  Lets give people reasons to NOT foster children who really need stable home environments, why don't you!

Rant ended.

Disclosure:  I write all that in the second paragraph fully aware that there are people out there who are being terribly disrespectful to people who seem different or of different color and so on.  I am not denying that there still a real problem in this world with some that are not kind at all with their words and intentions...but I am only talking about those who do it intentionally. 

Ok, now rant ended!


The Bass Family Pond said...

I think you are overreacting!

Ha Ha just had to say it....

Some do overreact tho ")

Adams said...

Yep, overreacting rant! Love you, Rose!