Monday, September 8, 2014


This morning I woke up feeling pretty yucky.  I got the boys headed off to school and decided I was going to take it easy today.  So I laid in bed, turned on Netflix and found the documentary Unstoppable by Kirk Cameron.  I'm so glad that I did.

While I didn't agree with his interpretation of everything that he got from the Old Testament, I gained much from this film.   A film created by a good man who wants the world to know that even though God lets bad things happen to good people, He loves us very much.  

Kirk Cameron talks about the tragedies of the Bible, mainly the Old Testament.  There are so many tragedies that God let happen like Cain killing Abel and the great flood that wiped out almost all living, land creatures.  But He uses tragedies for our experience.  The only thing that I wish this movie would have touched more upon is that He uses these experiences BECAUSE He gave us free agency. 

I have talked about this before on our family blog.  I personally, for most of my life, have never really got the concept of free agency.  Mainly because I have the personality type that would rather be told what to do.  I don't like to make mistakes.  I would rather learn from some one elses experience than mine own.  I hate that guilt felt after a bad choice is made and I hate that suffering that seems to last so much longer for me because I have such a hard time forgiving myself.  It was only a few years ago that I finally was able to say that I am grateful for ALL my experiences in life.  I am grateful for my sins and other's sins against my spirit that lead to my life's lesson of love.  Because I know my Father in Heaven loves me through these mistakes, I know I can and should love others.  All of these experiences have built my character today.

This is my favorite quote of the movie:

"...I have peace about that.  Because I've already seen my God use the most horrible, horrific, tragic events of history for the greatest things in the world.  He was there at the fall, He was there at the flood.  He didn't take his hands off the wheel.  He was there in the crucifixion and the worst most tragic thing that has ever happened to the most perfect and pure and innocent person (speaking of Christ) turns out to be the greatest thing the world has ever seen.  It brought the salvation of God to the world.  And so I have hope that every tragedy in my life and in yours, every future tragedy and every future pain and struggle and suffering and death, God can and will use those sufferings for His greater Glory and for our good because that's what He has been doing all along. Through all of the pain and suffering and the grief, God is working out the same unstoppable purpose for you!  He's forming in you the character needed for the assignment He has for you."

I pray that God will continue to have faith in my spirit to make better choices in the future as I continue to learn that He has a purpose in all of this.  He gave us free agency for a reason and because of that reason, He will not interfere with the choices that I make or of that of others around me.  And I am ok with that.  These life experiences are exactly what gives me true hope now.  True love.  And true purpose. 

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