Today was that crazy day full of parties that most Moms of young children are familiar with. From the time I woke up I felt like I was running from place to place but in amongst all the craziness I was able to meet Tricia for lunch and get some homework done.
This morning was Brigham's first grade carnival. Each of the students went from class to class to play different games and most importantly...
...get way to much candy!
After going to lunch with Tricia and visiting Uncle Steve at work (Happy 30th!) it was time for Hyrum's class party. I came early enough to see them all getting into their costumes and some of them were so cute! Watching them being so proud of their costumes was so adorable to see.
Then we had to rush over to Levi's party. I'm really grateful that the schools are so close together! Here is Hyrum just chillin' with some of Levi's class Halloween food....once again, way to much candy and junk!
And then Levi finally got some of HIS class food!
I have to admit, this year Halloween hasn't been as fun as in times past. I'm not a huge fan of Halloween because of all the dark and bloody stuff that comes out but I absolutely loved getting the boys dressed up when they were little and I still enjoy watching them get so excited about who they have picked out to be for Halloween. This year however, things have been way to busy. Sometimes I wonder just how crazy I am for letting myself get so involved with so much. When I do that, I end up missing out on the fun things like Halloween for young ones. I need to remember this the next time I sign up for something or give away my free time so easily.
The boys look FUN! I love all the costumes but I have to say my fav. is Mario ")
I'm so jealous you got pictures. I was there all day yesterday, but didn't snap the camera once. Drats.
But I bet you enjoyed it more, Mary, because you weren't thinking about getting the perfect picture!
My kids didn't get school Halloween parties. I feel bad for them. It was the best time of year when I was a kid. Costume parades, parties and fun activities all day. Now they don't even celebrate it here. They get a Winter (Christmas) Party and Valentines. I love that picture of Hyrum chillin on the bean bag.
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