Today was one of my days off and it came at a perfect time. I have been wanting to volunteer at the Head Start for Hyrum's class but haven't had the time. I was caught up with my class work so today was the day! I only volunteered for the lunch period but it was fun. There are certain routines that the school has the children do when they first get there and when their parents come to pick them up. Right when he saw me he yelled, "Mom!" He immediately got up and went over to the name board and moved his name over to the out spot! I love that he still loves us so much. I then had to explain to him that we were not leaving and that I was staying there with him for a while. So I got down on the floor with him and the other kids as Mrs. Dayla sang songs with them while lunch was being put on the tables. It was so fun to have those kids stare at me and try their hardest to get my attention with just about anything, ranging from their names to showing me their boo boos made by biting sharks! Then it was time to wash our hands and this is where I got to see Hyrum doing his usual: wanting to do what big boys do. He doesn't pee standing up but as I walked in the bathroom there he is with his pants barely down and his little penis sticking out. Of course he wasn't peeing, even the though the boy next to him was, he just had to be doing what the other big boy was doing. Mind you, they were doing this in the same toilet! I'm pretty sure they weren't suppose to be doing that but I won't tell!

Then we had lunch and after that a quick book. I went to go sign out and Hyrum immediately starting getting his stuff. I tried to get him to stay but we all knew he wasn't going to have that! I thought it was cute and I wanted to get him anyway, honestly, because today was the homecoming parade and I knew he would love to watch that.

But before we left I found this on the wall...sooooooooooooo cute!

Levi wasn't feeling well today so we let him stay home from school. Of course he was well enough for the parade though.....
The parade just circled around the schools and we are fortunate enough to live right by the schools. We sat next to these 2010 graduates who came back to throw footballs to the high school football players. It was fun to watch the floats go by and these guys throwing the balls out and then the kids in the floats catching them and throwing them right back out. My boys got a kick out of it.

Here is Hyrum making out like a bandit! Not only did he and Levi get tons of candy from the people from the floats but the guys next to us kept giving their candy to him. I kept hearing things like, "Here you go, little buddy." One of the many perks of living in a small town!

Then tonight was our monthly Relief Society dinner out and scrapbooking. It is Spring's birthday tomorrow so Sister Roberts' brought the party favors!

I think Amanda might think she is a unicorn!
It is always so good to get out and be with these women. I didn't get to go scrapbooking with them though......I sprained my right shoulder/arm yesterday morning and so I am suppose to be really babying it. I'm right handed so it really limits me a lot. The doctor gave me a steroid shot but told me that this could take longer to heal than if I would have actually broke it. This is because people don't "baby" their injuries enough and keep re-injuring themselves. If I was in a cast, I couldn't do that. Today Amanda Bishop told me (her husband is a physical therapist) that her husband hears often from patients that they would have rather broken what ever injury they had rather than have sprained it. I'm so glad she told me that today because I was feeling like such a wimp.
And how? do you ask me, did I get this sprain? I fell out of bed.....yep, you read that right!