Tonight was our monthly Relief Society meeting. But it wasn't the average R.S. meeting. One of my callings is being the R.S. meeting coordinator and though my calling in tells meetings like tonight, I can't take the credit. Sister Bulleigh is over me and wow is this girl talented! I pretty much just called/e-mailed/texted to remind people to come and cleaned up afterward. Sister Bulleigh put so much time and effort into tonight and I think it really paid off.
We were put into 2 different groups to go around and be taught in the different "stores." Our first stop was at the Kitchen Store. One of the unique things that Sister Bulleigh did was that she got people from different wards and our Branch President to teach us so that all the sisters could just come and enjoy. In the Kitchen Store, Tammy Gibson taught our class. I grew up with Tammy teaching me in the branch. She and her family has since then moved to the Miami ward but I'm lucky enough to still get to see her a few times a year through family functions and such. So last night it felt more like just her being back at church. I love this woman so much and her example. She had me in tears pretty much the whole class period. She touched my heart so many times as I thought back to my childhood and realizing just how important it is to steer my family in the right direction as my boys are growing up....and so fast. You know, I hear all the time from strangers in stores or close friends and family, "Enjoy it now, they grow up so fast." I have heard it so many times and I have really tried but honestly, when they say it, there are so many times that I have thought something like me wishing that they would grow up just a tad so I could breath and just have maybe one bathroom break by myself without little feet following me. For about a month now I have actually been feeling that they are growing up really fast. Brigham seems so old and independent now. He has always seemed older to me than what he really is because of how close in age he and Levi are but I guess I'm really feeling it now because he doesn't want kisses anymore and he doesn't run up to me and say, "MOM!" when I come home from work or from the store, very often now. And of course with having all the kids in "school" now that is a real slap in the face that your kids are really growing up.
Our next class was the Phone Store. President Roberts taught this class on communicating with the Lord through prayer. I love the feeling that President Roberts has brought into our branch. I see this every time there is a new presidency brought into a branch or ward. It is not that the last wasn't as good as the new; it's just that change is needed. People and families change and just as it is with a new job or new baby or new friend/love, you naturally are more excited about it all as it is "new" and find yourself more involved and excited about things that just won't be as "exciting" in a few years. You love them all the same (well, maybe not the work scenario!), it is just that the new has worn off. The Lord is very wise in changing out callings in the church after a few years instead of keeping people in the same callings forever.
Our last class was taught by Sister Bulleigh's daughter-in-law. This was the Shoe Store and she taught us we must try to walk in others shoes before judging them. I thought it was interesting as she brought out points of why people judge; anger, life experiences, fear, insecurities, etc...
Then we all went to the Food Court and had the typical things you find in a mall food court; lemonade, pretzels, pizza (pockets), and cinnamon rolls.
Afterwards, we all got to "shop" at our Thrifty Store where people from the branch just brought things that they were willing to give away. We had a LOT left over so David and the missionaries will be making a trip to a local Christan store soon so that they can donate all our goods.
I am so grateful that I was so spiritually fed last night. We had a bigger turn out than normal and I'm grateful for that also because if only half of the women felt what I did, I can only imagine the success that will be happening all around as we enter into the remaining of this week.
Thats so awesome, i miss our little branch so much. But like mom has told me there are so many new people moving in that I probably dont know half the branch anymore.:) Looks and sounds great, I think we're due for another visit soon!
I know Ron could use another bike trip and guy time with David!:)
Yeah and another card night!!! I too gotta give it up to Juli. I have been so busy and tired from having my new job that I really didn't want to come. I just wanted to stay home and sleep. Then I told myself that I really didn't plan any of it so no one would miss me. But I went anyway and was so spiritually fed! I left not only being uplifted and wanting to do better but also feeling like I really love the sisters in our branch! I've said it once and I'll say it again: Sister Bulleigh is amazing!!!
Are you related to the girl in the brown shirt in the first picture? There is such a similarity there.
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