Me, David, the boys, and my Dad made a quick trip to LaCrosse, Wisconsin this weekend. Some of my Dad's side of the family lives there. David nor my boys have ever met any of them so this weekend was very special to me. This trip all started because of an interest in the Beck side of our family history. Many stories later, told by my grandpa, and an offer to give me an old rocking chair that was used by his grandmother (Beck) led us to this long but worth it trip.
We brought Dad's GPS to guide us on our trip. Around Bethany, Missouri we were ready for a car break. We found a "Becks" on the GPS so we thought we would stop there.....a picture opportunity but his is where it lead us!
David was nervous about me getting out to take pictures but I talked him into it. As Dad said, "It's only a shotgun away...." Yes, exactly! Luckily we didn't run into any! I may not be a "drinker" but this location and sign were too picture perfect to pass up.
As we were leaving we found this! There is nothing like a trailer.....with a house add on!
My Aunt Brenda lives next door to my Grandma and Grandpa Beck. Her daughter JoAnna lives in her basement. This cute dimpled girl is JoAnna's daughter....I'm so grateful she was there to entertain my boys.
Here is my Grandpa Beck with his son and great grandsons. When we pulled up in the van and Grandpa came out, he looked exactly as I remembered him 13 years ago - when I saw him last. This was a much needed trip!
David kept busy with Brenda's boyfriend, Jay, relearning some guitar moves. Ronald has taught him a few things in the past. I'm hoping he keeps up with it this time so he can have a different "out" to fall back on when life gets crazy.
When Aunt Brenda came over I immediately saw my Grandma Beck. That face was the face I remembered growing up in Washington...the face of Grandma Beck. When JoAnna came over and then I saw her daughter, Madison, I just couldn't believe how much they all looked alike so I had to get this 4 generation picture.
And I'm saving my favorite for last! I love this picture because it caught the true feelings of the moment. I wanted a picture with my cousins. The last time I saw JoAnna she was much shorter than I and Nick certainly didn't have all that hair on his face! We got together and he made some comment about the butter stain on his shirt. Earlier he was eating corn on the cob and juice ran all down his beard and onto his shirt. I pointed at it for the picture and we just all cracked up.
On the first day that we were there JoAnna asked me why I was so interested in our family history. I told her that I didn't know. Maybe it was because of the church and how much we try to do our genealogy. Maybe it is my age. But one thing I do know; it fascinates me. I think it is because I don't know my Dad's side of the family like I do my mom's side. It started with me really wanting to know what my Grandpa Beck did in the military. Before I knew it I wanted to know about his childhood and so forth. It is interesting to me that once you know certain things about a persons childhood, you start to understand the person they are now as an adult. This all has been such a good experience for me. I'm just so grateful that Grandpa invited us up there and that Dad made it possible that we could financially get up there. I love you both very much!
I love the house trailor combo. I'll have to show T-rex.
What a fun vacation! (Your dad and grandpa look pretty excited to have their picture taken.)
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