Today really has been a wonderful Mother's Day. The week leading up to it has been absolutely crazy but I think because of that I am enjoying Mother's Day more than usual. Last week was "Teachers Appreciation Week" and since I am the homeroom parent in both Levi and Brigham's class it was hard donating my time at the school since I am working full time with the Census and the flower shop (between the two). Probably knowing that it all is temporary helped me get through it, I'm sure. The Census will last only a few months and I only work at the flower shop on busy holidays and when the other girls at the shop needs days off. All in all, I think all the teachers were spoiled last week (and they certainly deserve it!), I really love going door to door with Census and meeting interesting people, and I had "friend" moments with the girls at the flower shop....and of course, who doesn't love to get flowers! Really, delivering flowers is the best job in the world! On Friday I ended up putting in 16 hours at Annie's Garden Gate! But I really do love working with those girls. I got emotional at one point as I opened up a little bit with them about how hard it has been for me emotionally since getting pregnant with Hyrum....since last year. Going through your own personal hell and back really makes you see things so differently. So many little things get to me now. Like Denise at work. My crew leader from the Census needed to get my time sheets. I knew I wouldn't be there when he showed up to get them so I left them with the girls. Denise, though, didn't know he was coming by. Doug- my crew leader- is a bigger man, with a deep voice and lot of facial hair. He could come off as scary to some people. Anyways, he came in and asked Denise if I worked there. She told me later that she immediately got defensive and was wanting to know what he wanted! I guess that in some ways I am really grateful for last year. I really don't think I would have thought much before last year about her getting defensive over me. So many more things like this pop out at me now and remind me of just how blessed I am.
So today was nice and relaxing. David made breakfast and the kids went with him to church while I got a few things ready. David got released from his calling as Elders Quorum President and I think the relief of that helped the mood in the house as well. He had some amazing experience as EQ President but he was called as the branch mission leader a few weeks ago and with me working so much, Hyrum and all his tests, our trip to Wisconsin and starting back up in school (he is working on his MBA)....yeah...he is grateful to be released! Anyways, I went to church for a little bit until I needed to get back home to get ready for the lunch everyone in my family was coming over for after church. I gave myself a mother's day present by not putting much effort at all in it! I was so tired last night when I went to Wal-Mart to try and put something together for today's lunch. I decided on premade Pizza, a fruit tray, pop, and cheesecake from the bakery! I'm not a cheesecake fan but I knew the the ladies in my family love it so Happy Mother's Day to us all!
Here are a few pictures of the cousins and our neighbor Jewelia who found a baby bird this afternoon in our back yard. When they first started squealing that they had found a baby bird I went to immediately get them away from the poor thing. The old saying of never handling a baby bird or eggs in a nest in fear that the mother will abandon their young came to mind. But through confirmation of information on the internet and an experience of 2 baby birds that we found in Utah a few years ago led to letting the children have an experience with the baby bird. Mother's will not abandon their young unless a preditor was in it's nest and even that is rare. And the scent of human on a bird making the parent reject the baby bird is a myth also. We didn't let the kids stay to close to the bird for too long though, because I wanted the momma bird to be able to keep track of the little guy. And of course there were a lot of little hands being washed or washed down with disinfecting wipes afterwards!
And good day....yes, it was.
And good day....yes, it was.
Shaylee is so beautiful...I know that is boastful of me but its Mother's Day and I love my babies!
Wow you have been busy! I'm thinking of you today and your little man. I hope everything goes well. Happy Mothers Day.
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