On Friday, David and I made a last minute decision to take the boys camping. I'm not really a last minute type of person so I'm still surprised that I was excited to do it. A few weekends ago David, Levi, and Brigham went out on a father/son camp out with some families from church. The Wilson family were wonderful to us and let us use a lot of their camping stuff since we didn't have much. I think that camp out gave David the camping itch and has been trying to get us to get camping equipment... and trying to talk me into sometime going. Yes, I'm the typical girl who doesn't like bugs and all that but really I think my biggest reservation was taking Hyrum. Taking a little one just doesn't seem very fun to me. But Friday came, Nanny was sick -which meant no Nanny and Poppy night - and David was willing to get everything ready while I worked....and amazingly enough I was excited about it!
David was such a good Daddy and let the boys help him with pretty much everything once we got to the campground. Here is a picture of Levi and his fascination with catching sticks on fire. He's usually a pretty cautious boy so I was a little surprised that he wanted to be that close to the fire. Hyrum is the same way and as the night went on I watched as he got closer and closer to the fire. In fact, one of my friends from High School and her family came by for a couple of hours and he scared us both as he tripped over one of the pieces of wood that was not yet burning from the fire. Though Marlana and her family didn't stay the night, it sure was nice having another pair of "mommy eyes" watching over my boys and that fire!
Our campsight was close to the Spavinaw Spillway Dam. It was nice listening to that water run off all night long. And believe me, I listened to it pretty much all night long. Starting just after 1:00 a.m. I woke up with major stomach cramps. I tried to ignore it but it was soon clear that diareah was very much in my future for the next 12+ hours. NOT FUN WHEN YOU ARE CAMPING! And David didn't have a of luck that night with sleeping either since Hyrum started crying early in the night and went off and on from then on. Hyrum ended up sleeping in his car seat in the van while Daddy laid back the passinger seat chair to stay in there with him.
So my conclusion is this. The evening of our camping experience was really great but after that night of trying to sleep in a tent...well, I'm not planning on doing the camping thing any time soon!
Ahhh come on. you just need so practice. Lilly has been camping since she was about 6 months old. I'll come show you how its done.
I love camping, but am not great at initiating it.
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