I was coming home, about a week ago, and found my husband chasing a rooster with his bike! Sometimes he is such a kid! He ended up scaring the poor thing up in a tree and so I made him leave it alone. Well, the other day me, David, the boys, and cousins were down in the back room. April comes in and announces that there is a rooster in the yard. David jumps right up and off he goes. The kids are getting a kick at watching him go after this rooster. Next thing I know, he's holding the thing! As he was coming up to the back door I said, "DAVID! If you get the bird flu......" Now, April is as bad as any boy when it comes to this stuff so she and the kids were all petting this rooster that I was imagining pecking their little hands off. But this rooster was amazingly calm. Then David says, "You see this circle by his eye? If you rub it, the rooster will be calm." I'm thinking, "What does he think? He's a rooster whisperer or something?!" But sure enough this rooster was closing its eyes slowly like he was falling asleep or something! Now, you have to understand that I have been around enough roosters and chickens in my own day and let me tell you, Roosters are not nice! I worked in a chicken house when I was 15. Those things come running at you with full speed while your back is turned and peck your legs. I had many a "rooster bruises" that summer. It hurt! So I couldn't believe that this city boy knew stuff about chickens and such. But later he reminded me of his summers spend with his cousins, Becca and Johnny, on Aunt Suzies farm. It was one of those moments when you have been married for years and find out something about your spouse that you never knew before. David.....the Rooster Whisperer!

2 days ago
So question...Why in the heck was there a rooster in the back yard? Where did it come from? Was it McNugget come back to seek his revenge? Nate said that this story really makes him want to move to Oklahoma!
Hey Alisa!! I'm over at www.klindtfamily.blogspot.com
Amy Klindt
Wow I learned something today. Thanks Dave!
Aunt Suzie says it was GREAT having my nephews come out and work on the farm. They worked and played hard. I wonder if they remember the big tumbleweed burns. I KNOW they remember the game "King of the Pipe" during one of our work breaks at the pond. I'm glad John and Becca taught him about roosters - we had quite a few game chickens.
We had chickens and roosters growing up and I still have a scar from being spurred by a rooster.
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