Our good friends, the Emro family, were in Oklahoma visiting from New Hampshire last week. I grew up with Becky (far right) but there was quite the difference in age. I actually spent more time with her mom! I used to call her mom, "My best adult friend!" Well, after I got married and was in college with David, Becky came up to Rexburg for school. She lived with us briefly and before we knew it she was married to Ron. Then we got to do the "couples" things with her and Ron and I just grew to really love this sweet woman. We graduated school before they had any children and so when they came to visit in Oklahoma I was thrilled that our kids would get to play and we would get to do stuff together.

This is Becky's sister, Jolayne, whom I also didn't "really" get to know until college. I'll never forget those times she came over to play with my boys. She was so cute with them! We took this picture because she made this flower hat for Allie and just happened to be there this Sunday at church with matching flowers in both her hair and Ellie's (Becky's daughter) hair.

The following day they, along with their brother Max, came over for Family Home Evening. We had a lesson on baptism, which is what Brigham and I are doing in this picture.

After we put the kids to bed we played some games. I love these pictures because it shows just how much fun we really had. The first game we played was so simple but we all loved it. We crossed our hands over the arm of our neighbor. The object was to keep our hands, in order, hitting the table in one consistent direction...with, of course, the occasional switch up! :)

The following night we all met up at the Rib Crib in Grove to have one last evening together. Our poor waitress!

Jolayne, Becky, April, Alisa, and Amanda
Your poor waitress? What did you do?
Man I'm so jealous. I always miss the fun stuff.
I'm so glad you did a post on our visit! I haven't done anything yet, it was so much fun! I LOVE BLOGS! It's so nice to reminince again through pictures... and yes Marie we missed you. We need to coordinate all of our visits "home" P.S. I figured out Shaylee's riddle, thanks though.:)
It's so good to see your blog and all the familiar faces. It looks like your loving being back in hillbilly country. Tell April and everyone that I say "HI". By-the-way, do you have my blog address?
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